Time In Short Supply Lately

I’d like to blog more often, but my time is being consumed lately between consulting projects on one side and the search for permanent gainful employment on the other. One must keep the lights on, after all.

Still, I will get around to commenting on a few matters later this evening.

I get a little frustrated at times, because my preference is to provide substantive, thorough commentary rather than quick hits. Lately, however, as I spend more time looking for work, which entails researching prospective employers, I feel I’ve let the side down a little with respect to post quality.

Until my career situation is resolved, what I might do is err on the side of quality over quantity. I think that’s a healthy compromise.

No matter what happens, I do not intend to close this site down. A few people have expressed to me that they enjoy the material and want to see me continue providing it. For my part, I enjoy writing about industry developments because the process inherently involves having to think clearly and deeply about matters before articulating and communicating positions on them.

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